The difference between direct and indirect sunlight can be a little confusing, especially when it comes to gardening. With so much conflicting information on the web, let’s set the facts straight!
Poblano peppers need at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day and grow best when they can get 8-10 hours. You need even more hours of light each day if your lighting is indirect because it won’t provide your plants with as much energy. Poblano peppers require so much sunlight because they’re very prolific producers.
Read on to learn about growing poblano peppers with direct or indirect sunlight!
How many hours of direct sunlight do poblano peppers need?
It’s important to know how much direct sunlight your peppers need before planting them.
Poblano peppers need at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day, but they do best with 8-10 hours. They need all the energy they can get because they’re such prolific producers!
Peppers require at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day, although they prefer 8-10 in order to thrive.
Since poblano peppers are such prolific producers, it’s important for them to have all the energy they can get.
Poblano peppers can grow up to 40 peppers per season and can reach heights of 5 feet tall under the right conditions!
How sunlight plays a part in photosynthesis
Why is sunlight so important anyway?
Sunlight gives plants the ability to turn water and CO2 into oxygen and sugars. The plants then “eat” the sugar, giving them energy. Without sunlight, plants would not be able to produce their food source.
Sunlight provides energy that allows plants to turn water and CO2 into oxygen and sugars. These sugars feed the plant so they can produce foliage and fruit, grow taller, dig deeper roots, and more.
Without sunlight, there would be no driving energy force behind photosynthesis and plants wouldn’t be able to feed themselves!
Do poblano peppers prefer direct sunlight?
What’s the big deal about direct sunlight?
Poblano peppers prefer direct sunlight. Direct sunlight has more energy in it than indirect sunlight does, and therefore photosynthesis is increased.
Poblano peppers prefer direct sunlight over indirect sunlight.
Here is a simple way to describe indirect sunlight: light still reaches your plants, but there are obstacles in the way that dilute the light first.
Meanwhile, direct sunlight is when there are no obstacles in the way.
Indirect light has less energy than direct light does because some of the energy is soaked up by those obstacles.
Can you grow poblano peppers in indirect sunlight?
Okay, so if you don’t have access to direct sunlight, will indirect sunlight suffice?
You can grow poblano peppers in indirect sunlight, but they won’t do as well compared to growing them in direct sunlight. You need more hours of indirect light per day to compensate for the lower amount of energy that indirect sunlight provides compared to direct sunlight.
You can grow poblano peppers in indirect sunlight, although it is not ideal. Poblano peppers thrive with a full day of direct sun.
If you only have indirect sunlight in your yard, choose the spot in your garden that gets the most sun. That will at least optimize how much energy your poblanos are getting.
What is considered indirect sunlight?
Let’s define indirect sunlight to remove some obstacles (get it?).
Indirect sunlight is sunlight that is being obstructed by, or filtered through, an object such as leaves or glass. It still provides light that plants can use to photosynthesize, but the light has less energy.
Indirect sunlight is still sunlight, but there are obstructions in the way that dilute the amount of energy in the light that reaches your plants. This means the level of photosynthesis is reduced, leading to less energy.
Here are some examples of indirect sunlight:
- Through a window
- Through greenhouse panels
- Shining through tree leaves
- On a cloudy day
Is sun through a window considered indirect sunlight?
Sun through a window is considered indirect sunlight. This is because the sunlight has to pass through an obstacle before reaching your poblanos.
Some people have different opinions on this topic, but strictly speaking, it’s indirect.
How do you know if a poblano pepper plant is getting too much sun?
Although you want your peppers to get a lot of sun, too much sun is a problem too!
The main sign that your poblano pepper plant is getting too much sun is if you start to see sunscald. Excessive sun can damage a protein called MPH2, which plays an important role in photosynthesis.
Too much sun can damage MPH2, a protein that plays a vital role in photosynthesis. While counterintuitive, excessive sun can actually hinder photosynthesis!
Likewise, excessive sun can lead to sunscald. Sunscald is when tan burns appear on the fruits and leaves of your peppers. It is often caused by over-zealous pruning, which leaves your peppers too exposed to the sun.
If you’re growing your poblanos in grow bags or pots, you can simply move them to a shadier area of the yard, or someplace where the light isn’t as direct.
But if this isn’t an option, consider providing some protection during the sunniest part of the day by using a shade cloth.