Whether you’re looking to add some variety to your garden or are low on space, pots and containers can be your best friend. Growing poblano peppers in pots requires a little bit of know-how, but once you know the basics you’ll have a bountiful harvest in no time!
When growing poblano peppers in containers or pots, it’s vital to use a pot that’s at least 5 gallons in size. Place the container in full sun if possible. Use well-draining soil. Fertilize upon planting and then use a controlled-release fertilizer throughout the season. Pots tend to dry out quickly, so consider using mulch to retain moisture.
Read on to discover tips and tricks on how to grow your own poblano peppers in pots or containers!
Is it okay to grow poblano peppers in pots or containers?
To begin, we should talk about whether or not poblano peppers can even grow well in pots.
Growing poblano peppers in pots or containers is a good option if you’re low on space or want to spice up the look of your garden. Be sure to use a pot that’s at least 5 gallons large. Poblano peppers grow best in well-drained soil and do well in pots as they allow excess water to seep out of the soil. One problem you may run into is your pepper becoming rootbound.
There’s no better way to spruce up your garden than to add a bit of variety. Potted plants are a great way to mix things up and add some character to your backyard oasis!
Likewise, not everyone has the privilege of indulging in a large backyard garden. If you live in an apartment with a balcony or just have a small patio, potted plants are a lifesaver. Using pots allows you to still garden when you’re low on space.
Luckily, the trusty poblano pepper can do very well in pots or containers! As long as you know what your pepper plant needs, your poblanos can reach a staggering height and give you a nearly endless supply of peppers!
Keep reading to learn how to grow happy and healthy poblano pepper plants in pots or containers.
Potential benefits of growing poblano peppers in pots or containers
There are lots of reasons gardeners may choose to grow their poblano peppers in pots or containers.
The potential benefits of growing poblano peppers in pots or containers are:
- Space – You can grow poblano peppers even if you don’t have much room. Let’s face it – many gardeners only have a small patio or balcony to grow their crops. Container growing is the only option some people have! It allows those with limited space to still enjoy the wonders of growing.
- Environmental control – You can take your poblano peppers inside in extreme weather. In the case of a hurricane, tornado watch, or a crazy midsummer frost – you can take your pots inside and your poblano peppers will be safe and sound!
- Drainage – Poblano peppers love well-draining soil. Soil drains more quickly in pots than in the ground or even in raised beds.
- Pest control – Potted plants generally have fewer pests than plants grown in the ground. You have little control over what kinds of critters and diseases you may find when you’re growing directly in the ground. Pots add an extra layer of protection against pests and diseases because you’re using fresh potting soil and can elevate your plants away from pests.
- Soil control – Peppers like a soil pH of 6.5. While it’s possible to amend ground soil in order to reach the desired pH, it’s much easier to just get soil that’s ready to go.
Potential issues growing poblano peppers in pots or containers
While poblano peppers typically do just fine in pots, there are still some downfalls we need to discuss.
Some potential issues with growing poblano peppers in pots or containers are:
- Size requirements – You will need a relatively large container – at least 5 gallons. If you’re picturing growing in little pots, think again. Poblano peppers can reach 4-5 feet tall and need extensive root systems to hold up all that weight. A small container won’t cut it!
- Space – Growing space will be limited. Not to be captain obvious, but you won’t have as much room growing in pots as you would in the ground or in raised beds.
- Attention – Your poblano peppers may not reach their full potential if you’re not vigilant. Plants growing in pots have a tendency to get rootbound, even if you use a big enough pot and keep your eye on it. This will stunt their growth and you may not get as large of a yield. But so long as you’re a helicopter parent, you won’t need to worry about stunted poblanos.
- Environmental control – Plants grown in pots need to be watered more frequently. Similar to raised beds, good drainage is a blessing and a curse. Even more so than in raised beds, pots drain and dry out incredibly quickly. You really need to be careful to make sure the soil stays moist enough!
With these potential pros and cons in mind, let’s look at some of the best tips for growing poblano peppers in pots and containers.
5 tips for growing poblano peppers in pots or containers
We’ve got some tried-and-true tips to help you grow your peppers as successfully as possible!
Here are my top five tips for growing poblano peppers in pots or containers:
- Choose the right soil and fertilizer
- Have a large enough pot
- Place your pots in the sun
- Find the balance between quick drainage and adequate moisture
- Don’t let your poblano peppers become rootbound
Now let’s “dig deeper” into each of these tips!
Choose the right soil and fertilizer
Without the right soil and fertilizer, your poblano peppers certainly won’t reach their full potential.
Choosing the right soil and fertilizer can make your poblano peppers thrive. These peppers like well-draining soil with a pH of 6.5. Fertilize your peppers upon planting. Use a controlled-release fertilizer throughout the season. Reduce nitrogen levels when your peppers begin to fruit.
Peppers thrive most with a soil pH of 6.5. They also like well-draining soil that’s moist but not soggy. Mulch is a great way to keep moisture in without creating a puddle.
Fertilize your peppers when you plant them. Your best bet is to use a controlled-release fertilizer so they have consistent nutrient levels all season.
When they begin to fruit, reduce the amount of nitrogen in your fertilizer.
While you don’t want to go so far as to cause nitrogen deficiency, too much nitrogen will cause your peppers to put their energy into leaf and stem growth rather than fruit production. This ultimately decreases yields.
Have a large enough pot
When you buy a seedling from the nursery a 4-foot-tall giant probably doesn’t come to mind. The size of poblano pepper plants can blow anybody away- including their pots!
When growing poblano peppers in pots or containers, you need a pot to that is at least 5 gallons large. This is because the plant can grow to be 4-5 feet tall! Such a large plant requires an extensive root system to support its weight and provide enough nutrients.
Poblano peppers require a pot or container that is at least 5 gallons large. You can’t grow a four-foot-tall pepper plant in a dainty little pot!
The height and width of poblano peppers warrant an extensive root system in order to hold up the weight of the plant. In addition, in order to produce large yields, your pepper plants need a root system capable of providing enough nutrients to your plants.
Place your pots in the sun
We all know that sunlight is the source of energy behind photosynthesis. While some plants enjoy a bit of shade, poblano peppers like to sunbathe.
Place your pots in the sun. Poblano peppers thrive in full sun and will certainly appreciate the rays! If you don’t have anywhere that gets full sun, place them in the next best spot.
Poblano peppers do best in full sun. That means you should place your pot in the sunniest spot you have available.
If all you’re working with is a balcony, you probably won’t have too much of a choice.
But if you’re placing your pots in your backyard, the best thing you can do is track where the sun and shadows land throughout the day in order to determine the best spot for your pots.
Check up on your yard every hour or two on one of your days off to see where the sun shines the most. Simply place your pot there and you’ll be all set!
Find the balance between quick drainage and adequate moisture
It’s true that poblano peppers like good drainage. But pots have a tendency to dry out completely in the blink of an eye, so you need to stay on top of moisture levels.
Find the balance between quick drainage and adequate moisture. Even though poblano peppers like well-draining soil, pots may dry out even more quickly than the peppers prefer. You may have to water more frequently. You can also use mulch to retain moisture.
As you learned earlier, pots drain more quickly than in-ground gardens and even raised beds. While it’s true that poblano peppers love good drainage, it’s also true that completely dry soil is a no-no.
This extra-fast drainage will require you to pay close attention to the moisture of your soil. You’ll have to water your pots more frequently than you water other aspects of your garden (if you have any).
One tip is to use mulch to retain soil moisture. The mulch will help offset the fast drainage without keeping in so much moisture as to cause root rot or make your peppers unhappy.
Don’t let your poblano peppers become rootbound
Ugh, rootbound plants! They’re the worst.
Avoid letting your peppers become rootbound by using a large enough pot. Even then, you should be checking in on your roots every once in a while. Consider transplanting to a larger pot if your peppers grow enormous!
Rootbound plants are an all-too-familiar experience for even the most veteran of gardeners. Turn your back for what feels like a second and suddenly the roots are tangled up with nowhere to go!
Rootbound plants have roots that have developed into the shape of the pot because they’ve run out of room to grow any deeper or wider. Clearly, these roots are in search of nutrients and trying to support the weight of their plant – but the size of the pot is hindering the process.
With nowhere to go, the roots develop into a dense, tangled mess that can become extremely hard to get out of the pot.
The best way to avoid a rootbound poblano plant is to put it in a large enough pot. Your containers need to be at least 5 gallons large when growing poblano peppers.
If your plant grows to be exceptionally large, consider checking in on the roots in case you need to repot it.